Monday, October 26, 2015

Smoke-Me! Free Windows Phone Anti-Smoking App

This APP helps you to get rid of (some) cigarettes every day! 

Tobacco contains the chemical nicotine. Smoking cigarettes can lead to nicotine addiction. The addiction begins when nicotine acts on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors to release neurotransmitters such as dopamine, glutamate, and gamma-aminobutyric acid. Cessation of smoking leads to symptoms of nicotine withdrawal such as anxiety and irritability.  For these “heavy” smokers we recommend to look for professional support when they want to stop smoking… 

This APP has another target – it is to reduce the number of cigarettes per day by taking use of the PLACEBO effect, which is known very well from the medical treatment discipline.  Recent serious scientific studies have proven that brain influences the feeling of hunger and satiety a lot. And in same way the brain also controls in most cases the desire for smoking a cigarette. 

This app takes use of these consolidated scientific findings and transfers them to the mobile device approach as the mobile is with you most of the time. It is the first APP worldwide implementing this innovative approach! This app helps the brain to feel like „smoking a cigarette“, when there is a desire something and after about one minute this desire will quickly disappear. And no unnecessary nicotine or other harmful substances enter the body – which are well-known as unhealthy.

How it works? Very simple: There is an animation, which runs about 40 seconds. See the graphics, listen the sound, feel the vibration and be aware that also electromagnetic waves are sent out to you. All of this will stimulate in your brain the smoking feeling and the satiation at the end. 

Let it work for you – the same as it worked for a lot of others in same way! Never before it was so easy to reduce smoking to 50% of before!

Cost: Free

Rating 3.6 out of 5

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