Making impressive smoke bubbles during the party will definitely
get you attention and respect of your friends. But it requires a certain
preparation for quality bubble making. In most online resources, this trick is
attributed exclusively to hookah smokers, however, there are a plenty claims
that the cigarette smokers may be able to achieve amazing results.
You can perform the trick in 6 simple steps.
- You may use purchased in Dollar Store bottle of children's bubbles liquid, or you may create your own mix for even better results. As the starting point try an equal mix 1:1 of water at room temperature and dish detergent.
- Next, you need a “magic wand”. Here there are numerous varieties you may try, as standard circle-ended wand from the purchased bubble liquid set, standard straw, or even water bottle with cut-off bottom. Each type of such device will allow to experiment with the size and quality of your smoke bubbles.
- Take a large puff of your cigarette and inhale naturally.
- Dip your tube, whatever it is, in the prepared soapy mixture.
- Hold the straw between your lips (don't release the smoke) and slowly blow. A curved bubble should be made.
- At some point, you may flick the smoke bubble, while still exhaling into it, to release it from your contraption.
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